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SQL Union vs Union ALL

Union and Union All are two of the most important functions you will come across in SQL. There are must-to learn and easy to master. So I am going to provide you with a a few examples of using these SQL functions.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

What is the Difference between Union and Union All

Combines the result set of two or more SELECT statements.
Removes duplicate rows.
Result sets must have the same number of columns, and corresponding columns must have compatible data types.
Combines the result set of two or more SELECT statements.
Does not remove duplicate rows.

Let’s take a look at two tables Student A

| ID | Name          |
| 1  | Alice         |
| 2  | Bob           |
| 3  | Charlie       |

Student B

| ID | Name          |
| 2  | Bob           |
| 4  | David         |
| 5  | Eve           |

Here are two queries using Union and Union All

SELECT Name FROM Students_A
SELECT Name FROM Students_B;

The result of this query is |

| Name    |
| Alice   |
| Bob     |
| Charlie |
| David   |
| Eve     |

You can see from this query that Bob is present in both tables, it appears only once in the result because UNION removes duplicates.

Let’s check out the result of Union All:

SELECT Name FROM Students_A
SELECT Name FROM Students_B;

| Name    |
| Alice   |
| Bob     |
| Charlie |
| Bob     |
| David   |
| Eve     |

With Union ALL we can clearly see the results retain duplications in the form of Bob.

Real-life Scenarios: Practical examples to help you grasp when to use which.

This will show you are real-world example of using UNION.
  1. Online Store Orders: Imagine you’re managing an online store. You have two lists – one of all the orders made in the morning and one from the evening. If you want to see a list of unique products ordered throughout the day, you’d use UNION. But if you’re interested in the total number of orders, regardless of duplicates, then UNION ALL would be more suitable.
  2. Survey Data: You’ve conducted a survey in two different regions. To get a combined list of unique respondents, you’d use UNION. However, if you wanted a full tally of responses, including those who might’ve taken the survey in both regions, UNION ALL would come to the rescue.

Tips and Tricks: Making the most of these commands without getting tripped up.

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