Top E Sports Earners
E-sports has been become a multi-million dollar industry with over 160 million dollars in prize money in 2019 alone. I wanted to explore the earnings of the top tournaments, players and games below. There is an awesome sight with all this data compiled and tracked. You can go to . If want you learn how to quickly make browser based video games with PhaserJs at Code Academy.
The dashboards above details the total earnings of each of the categories. However, here is the ranking of the top teams bye earnings.
Top E Sports Teams Rankings in 2019
Prize Money By Game in 2019
Fortnite dominates 2019 as the most popular game and cash cow. Previously dominant MOBA games like DOTA and League of Legends still have a significant prescience. However I found that the amount of players and cash earnings is not 1 to 1 for this segment. For example there are more players in League of Legends as opposed to DOTA. However the prize money is larger for DOTA.
Top Earners by Player and Player ID
Suprisingly out of the Top 25 Players. 24 are DOTA players with only one being a Fortnite Player.
The time of this post isn’t very accurate. The Dota 2 world championship has already taken place, whereas the league of legends worlds championship has yet to take place. League of Legends will surpass CS:GO putting it 3rd in the rankings. And to answer your question: The reason why Dota has a higher price pool is because Dota is owned by Valve (they own Steam which every single person in the world who plays a PC game will have installed and use as their primary marketplace). They use Steam to promote the championship providing benefits to those who make purchases during the time period. TL:DR Valve have a huge global audience to promote their event while providing benefits that go outside of just the game. Riot simply only has League of Legends.
Thanks for this awesome input. I have found this fascinating. This field has certainly opened up a whole other world for me.