Category Archives for "Python"

An In-Depth Exploration of Python’s “not in” and “if not in”

Python is a flexible and widely used programming language that provides several tools to manipulate and play with data effectively. From these, the “not in” and “if not in” play an important role in increasing code readability and streamlining conditional statements. Let’s deep dive into these concepts to understand their concept, syntax, and application. Introduction […]

How to Check and Update Python Versions

How to Check Python Version?

Master Python Version Management From Beginner to Pro Python is a high-level programming language that supports multiple functions such as structured, object-oriented, and functional programming. Python releases its updates on an annual basis that includes bug fixes and new features. It is important to understand that as a Python programmer, you should use the most […]

Python List Concatenation: Best Practices

In Python programming, the most used data structure is a list. It allows us to manipulate and organize data elements efficiently. Lists are particularly useful in data analysis, machine learning, and game development. As a data analyst, we apply different functions using lists. From those concatenation is an important function that involves joining multiple lists […]

Handling Nulls in Python: A Hands-On Tutorial


When no value is assigned to a variable, it is referred to as a null value. In the world of data science and data analysis dealing with missing values is common but a challenging problem. It is difficult to analyze data with null values and to achieve accurate results. So, in this tutorial, we will […]

How to Use Python FOR LOOPS

Python’s for loop is a versatile tool for iterating over data, essential for any business dealing with datasets. Let’s dive right into how businesses can leverage this. Basic Syntax for variable in iterable: This is the fundamental syntax of the “for” loop in Python . What’s an iterable? An iterable is any Python object you […]

How to Use Block Comments in Python

You can easily create multi-line comments in Python with ease by using quotations. The # docustring will only allow you to comment per each line. However triple quotation “””” or ”’ should easily allow you to create multiple-line comments. Using Triple Quotes for Multi-line Python Comments Even though triple quotes are primarily used for docstrings […]

Top Ten Financial Functions in Python

If you didn’t know Python has a host of function that cover most domains. Pandas is the premier data analysist and data manipulation library in Python. It is an incredibly versatile tool for financial analysis. With its rich set of functions tailored for data wrangling and analysis, it has become the go-to library for financial […]

List Comprehension in Python

What is list Comprehension? This is a method in Python that It allows you to create a new list by transforming and filtering elements from an existing list. The beauty of this is its done in a single line of code. We can use a list and the word iterable interchanged due to a list […]

How to Find Outliers in Python

Find outlier is essential for a host of reasons from not skewing your averages to ensuring that machine learning algorithms function properly. In this tutorial, I am going show you several ways in which you can remove outliers from your data. We explore a few traditional methods such as Z-score and IQR. In addition, we […]

Calculate Customer Lifetime Value with Python

CLV is a crucial measure for firms to comprehend in order to maximize their marketing and sales activities. CLV is a forecast of the net profit attributable to a customer’s entire future relationship. This article will explain how to compute CLV in Python. Let’s take a look at the formula to get your mind in […]