Format all the Font in Power BI

You can quickly get uniform text accross your visuals by using the Power BI themes customization. In just a few steps you will be able to quickly alter the text family. Step 1: Go to Theme OptionsThe first step you will need to take is to navigate to the top ribbon in Power BI and click […]

Forecasting with Python and Power BI

We are using an airline passenger dataset that you can get from Kaggle, which shows us the data from 1949 to 1960 for airline passengers.  Please find the PBIX file on my Github Load in my dependencies, which are pandas and numpy and Matplotlib. I’m just going to import those in. And then once I have […]

Rolling Averages In Power BI

Getting a rolling average should be an native function in Power BI. However maybe at the time you read this, there will already be a a feature added. However, in the meantime lets dive into dynamic rolling average using Power BI.Here are the list of functions will be using the to create our calculation:SUMCALCULATELASTDATEDATESINPERIODDISTINCTCOUNTThere are […]

Python Moving Average

Creating a moving average is a fundamental part of data analysis. You can easily create moving averages with Python data manipulation package. Pandas has a great function that will allow you to quickly produce a moving average based on the window you define. This window can be defined by the periods or the rows of […]

Sales Prediction Model in Power PI

Leveraging the Python Scripting option in Power BI is a powerful way to build complex machine learning models with the interactive of a dashboard. For the Python model, the SciKit Learn library to create a Linear Regression model that will have a training and testing set for the model to learn on. Then we will […]

Easy Forecasting in Excel

Forecasting with the Trend line Click on your line graph.Click the [ + ] button on the chart to open the chart elements menu.Choose the trend line (Linear or Exponential).Right Click the Trend line, Choose Format Trend line.Under Forecast choose the number of the period into the future you want to forecast.Use Array Functions (Growth […]

Data Analyst Toolkit

As a data analyst there is a wild range of tools you need for exploration, analysis, visualization and prediction. I thought this was good opportunity to explore the most popular and go to tools for data analyst.Stage 0: Identify Business Questions.These tools are critical for collection thoughts and ideas from stakeholders. This is the most […]

Create Data Bars and Star Rating KPIs in Excel

​You can easily get data bars and star ratings added to your report with a few steps. Often a way to save real estate and indicate differences, people use the spark line visuals. However, this can only be effective if you are dealing with time series data. So, this tutorial is going to show a […]

Top E Sports Earners

E-sports has been become a multi-million dollar industry with over 160 million dollars in prize money in 2019 alone.  I wanted to explore the earnings of the top tournaments, players and games below. There is an awesome sight with all this data compiled and tracked. You can go to . If want you learn […]

Tableau Prep – The Cleaning Step, Group and Replace

Introduction Data is like blood flowing through an organization and, just like blood quality is directly linked with the health of the body, organizations only function effectively when the quality of their data meets the minimum quality standards. In real life, data that is used for visualization is typically sourced from a variety of different […]

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