Category Archives for "Power BI"
Learn how to leverage Microsoft’s Power BI to make amazing visuals and data models.
Learn how to leverage Microsoft’s Power BI to make amazing visuals and data models.
Getting rid of leading zeros can be kind of difficult in Power BI if there is no consistency in the number of zeros. However, I am going to demonstrate a few easy ways to eliminate leading zeros in Microsoft Power BI. Change the Data Types One of the little known tricks in Power BI to […]
Using What If parameter in Power Bi can easily give you the ability to dynamically transform your data. For example, using this parameter will allow to demonstrates how your data change under various scenarios. For example how much revenue would you have if your products were at 10%, 20% or 30% of the retail price. […]
Great Uses of CALCULATE in Power BI Calculate is one of the most versatile functions in Power BI. When you begin using anything from simple filters, time intelligence functions, or even advanced formulas, often the CALCULATE formulas are leveraged to produce the desired outcome. Let’s use CALCULATE to filter a column in a table. CALCULATE […]
Calculating the time between two dates is a rather simple task. You will just need a starting point and an ending point that has been formatted as a date or time. We can leverage Power BI native functions to get us the data we are looking for. We will create columns that result in the […]
The addition of Python integration in Power BI is one of the greatest things that Microsoft could have done. This gives the user the ability to utilize amazing visual libraries such as Seaborn. Beyond visualization, you can also utilize some of the machine learning packages. If you want to improve your data visualization skills, check out Use Power […]
If you are a user of Power BI, you have probably come across the KPI visual. I am often frustrated due to the visual’s lack of flexibility. Also, I would like the old school KPI from Excel to be incorporated into tables and other structures. However, at the moment, these are not native to Power […]
Create a Power BI Interactive Dashboard in Minutes Microsoft Power BI is not a difficult business intelligence tool to adopt. So, I have decided to challenge users to create a Power BI dashboard in ten minutes. In this lighting fast tutorial, you will load, clean and visualize data in ten minutes which will culminate into […]
Data visualization and data science are hot topics in businesses across America. Every company wants to turn data into a meaningful tableau of information. Power BI from Microsoft is a free or low-cost tool that many companies and individuals are turning to. You can also check out the Pros and Cons of Tableau. You may […]
How to Make Power Point Presentation from Power BI Reports Power BI has a great function that allows you to export your visuals directly to a Power Point presentation. However, to be able to achieve this, you need to have a Power BI online account so that you can publish your Power BI workbook to […]
Choose the substances and see the slang words How does it work Use the interactive DEA Drug Slang Word Cloud to discover what the most common drug slang words for commonly illegal drugs. This data was source from the DEA data set on The data was in JSON file and was then exported […]