Use Google Chrome Developer Tools for Conversion Rate Optimization

How to use Google Developer Tools for conversion rate optimization. Google Developers Tool is a great application that allows you analyze the code structure of your website. However, there are a of underutilized functions that are great for conversion rate optimization. Here a my favorite ways maximize the benefit of this tool. Testing Web Performance. […]

How to Build Google Analytics User Personas & Profiles

Building a Google Analytics Personas or  Customer Profile is an essential practice that all marketers should use. This profile can be quickly created using Google Analytics and Excel. However, it must be said that there are issues with data collected from Google Analytics such as this data is just a sample. However, the sample size […]

Install Hotjar with Google Tag Manager

Installing Hotjar has just gotten better and easier with a native template. Previously, you had to install this script with a custom HTML tag in Google Tag Manager. The this can done in 4 easy steps  in three phases. Take a look at the diagram below in order to see how to set this up.   […]

Chicago Crimes 2015 vs 2016 Data Visualization

Crime in Chicago has soared while other metropolitan cities have seen a major decline. To be exact, most crime in Chicago has not seen any major increases except for homicide. Homicides in Chicago in the first 8 months of the year have already soared beyond the sum of homicides in 2016. This begs the question […]

Interactive Google Analytics Dashboards with Tableau 10

Visualizing your data is one of the quickest ways to discover insights and communicate complexities. Google Analytics Dashboards provide you with everything you need to highlight performance trends. However, the user experience and visuals aren’t that great. Using Tableau allows you to connect to the Google Analytics Database and overcome these shortcomings. The data can […]

Is Google Page Speed Insights Accurate?

What does Google Page Speed Score Measure? Google Page Speed Insight Score is often used to grade the speed of a website. However, the same question always arises; is this an accurate measurement. The answer may lie in Google’s own definition of their test. Google defines the Page Speed Insights as a correlation of network-independent […]

F.B.I. Hate Crime Statistics — Visualization

    How I made this Viz: This was a very easy viz to make because there were no parameters or calculations. It was made purely with two essential sheets. One for the Map and the other for the bar chart. I made this by searching the net for hate crime statistics. I ended up […]

Time Spent in Daily Activities by Race, Weight, and Gender.

    How this was built: This dashboard allows you to explore primary daily activities on race, gender and body weight. It is broken into hours as the primary measure. Explore the viz below. Feel free to interact with the data. The source of this data was taken from two United States governmental database. One […]

How Social Media Managers Can Show ROI

With social media, there is always a question how to attribute its value to the bottom line. revenue So, I wanted to explore data driven ways that a social media marketer could demonstrate his or her value to their boss.  Here is a simple calculation below: Social Media ROI = Revenue(Assisted and Direct) – Cost/ […]